Do you want to know if you are in a position to apply for Portuguese Nationality and move forward with the process? Count on us.
We deal with all stages of these processes and monitor their progress
We deal with all processes for obtaining Portuguese Nationality. We assume the representation of our clients in Portugal and before all bodies
Confirm that you are in a position to apply for Portuguese Nationality and proceed with the process:
Are you married or living in a de facto union, recognized by a court, with a Portuguese person for more than 3 years?
You can acquire Portuguese nationality and be considered Portuguese from birth, if
You can acquire Portuguese Nationality if you are over 18 years old or are legally emancipated and
You can apply for Portuguese nationality under these conditions and be considered Portuguese from birth if:
You can apply for Portuguese nationality under these conditions if:
In these cases, the acquisition of nationality always depends on a decision by the Minister of Justice.
Citizens born until December 20, 1961 in the so-called Portuguese-India (Goa, Damião, Diu, Dadrá and Nagar-Aveli) are Portuguese, as well as those born there until June 3, 1975, provided they prove that they were not domiciled in no former colony.
You can also apply for Portuguese nationality if:
why portugal
"Everyone seems to be going to Portugal right now" The Telegraph
✔ We work as part of a wide national and international network of Partners and Collaborators
✔ We operate in any area of mainland Portugal and islands
✔ Whenever necessary, we go abroad to meet with our Clients and Partners
✔ Always Available. We use the most modern means of distance communication
A Country of Excellence, full of Opportunities and with a high quality of life
Enjoy your retirement in Portugal. We support your move to this country with complete peace of mind.
World-renowned Education System. Count on our Advice on this matter.
Are you of Portuguese descent? Do you meet other conditions to obtain Portuguese nationality?
Get your passport to live in Portugal and Europe and move around several countries
Discover and take advantage of all the investment opportunities in Portugal
Buy, Sell, Lease or Manage a Property. Make the Best Deal with our Advice
Constitution and Registration of Companies. Corporate Business. Everything just a click away...
Locate and Make the Best Businesses with our Legal Advice always available.
Residence Permit for Investment. Your Passport to enter and reside in Portugal
Measures that encourage the return of Portuguese from the Diaspora to their Country of Origin.
Obtain Certificates, Consult Processes, Documentation Searches, etc.
Do you live abroad and need a Representative in Portugal? Count on Our Services
Employment Contracts, Rights/Duties Workers and Employers,Seg. Social, etc.
Portuguese and Portuguese descendants who want to deal with bureaucracies in Portugal
Count on our advice for whatever you need in Portugal. We are just a click away...
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