Bachelor of Laws with Postgraduate Degree in Environmental Management (MBA).
Legal consultancy and public policies in health and tax collection.
Partners in agronomy, damage valuation, topography and environmental licensing.
Lectures given: Federal University of São Carlos-UFSCAR, UNESP Bauru, Institute of Engineering-SP, USP, UNESP, CREA, Rural Employers Union of Dourado, Municipal Secretary of Education of São Carlos, Regional Council of Realtors-CRECI, Loja Rosacruz-AMORC of São Carlos, among others.
Assessed as able to:
Identify the main terms of behavioral economics. Identify behavioral biases and the most relevant tools for the effectiveness of public policies in Latin America and the Caribbean. Recognize various instruments of behavioral economics, with a view to overcoming behavioral biases and barriers and promoting better decision-making .Recognize how behavioral economics complements the effectiveness of policies based on conventional models.
President of the Environment Committee of the OAB São Carlos section for 6 years.
Consultancy and assistance in drafting environmental legislation and repairing environmental damage.
Legal opinion on the implementation of potentially polluting activities.
Judicial follow-up in the elaboration of defense in public civil action.
Personal Assistant to Dr. G. Brundtland – author of Our Common Future Report – former Prime Minister of Norway and former President of WHO (during her visit to Brazil in 2007).
Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)Behavioral Economics for Better Public Policies
Superior Court of Justice (STJ) Agribusiness in the Interpretation of the STJ.
Central Paulista University (UNICEP)Postgraduate in Environmental Management (MBA)
Brazilian Institute of Mining Law (IBDM) Course on Mining Law and Environmental Law Applied to Mining.
Negotiating with the Devil.
Genève University:International Organization Management.
Leiden University:Configuring the World: A critical political economy approach.
Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV)Agribusiness.Negotiation and Contract Formation.Mediation and Conciliation: experience in Private Mediation since 2017 plus 13 years in state justice Social Responsibility of Organizations.Real Estate Law
University of São Paulo (USP) Master's Courses in Hydraulics and Sanitation as a special student.
USP, UNICAMP, UNICEP, Environment organized by the former minister of the STJ, current president of the TSE Dr. Antonio Herman Benjamim.
EMBRAPA, USP, UNICAMP, UNICEP, books and articles.
*Agronomist: with emphasis on energy, damage valuation and urban engineering.
*Topographer: topographical and planialtimetric survey. Installation of demarcation marks and registration of legal reserves in the CAR.
*Biologist: licensing and environmental suitability.
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